Now I haven't mentioned this before but i'm something of a sci-fi and movie obsessive on the quiet and sitting on the bus, I came over very emotional hearing the main theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture playing over the sound system. A combination of my love for that great score and the realisation that we were really heading for Disney, I think. Thank goodness for sunglasses. I love the Disney buses and how they are all part of the experience of the parks. You feel the excitement building as soon as you get on board.
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We entered the park, and Carly, ever organised, had decided we should head for Toy Story Midway Mania. No need to worry about looking at the map as everyone else seemed to have had the same idea. We followed the crowd and were soon in a long line for fastpass. These dutifully collected, we slipped into the Narnia attraction right next door. Ironic that our first attraction was one we hadn't even considered seeing. That said, it was very well done.
We then took in the backstage tour which started with a very amusing segment which involved the filming of an action sequence for an imaginary WW2 movie, and members of the public getting unfeasibly wet. Strange how being in Disney makes you want to shout loudly in reply to the hosts of these attractions. And we did. This was great fun and then we moved onto the bus for the remainder of the tour, including the canyon set piece which is still loud and hot and impressive. Also spotted several prop vehices from Star Wars and other movies which I still have photos of from our last visit in 1989. Bless her, but none of this meant much to Maddie but she took it in nonetheless.
After passing through the prop warehouse and grabbing some photos with some of the displays, we caught Muppetvision 3D. This was a huge ton of fun, and probably the best 3D experience we've had. Loved it, and laughed loads. We then nipped into a store, and Maddie carried out her first pin trade. She was SO excited. The CM was so good about it as well.
We then returned for our Toy Story ride. This ride has a similar concept to the Buzz Lightyear ride at MK but the execution is very different and great fun. As usual, we all competed against each other to see who could get the best score, and I trailed in last behind the girls. I let them win, honest
We then visited Star Tours. I'd been warned that the ride was closed which was disappointing for me because when i'd been to Florida in 1989, the ride was only being built and all that was present was the AT-AT walker. Even though i'd ridden the attraction in Disneyland Paris, i'd hoped to catch it here. Excitingly, though, I saw Imagineers coming out of the ride with hard hats decorated with the Imperial logo from the movies, Speaking to the CM on duty, they advised me that the ride was due to open on May 20th. The day after we were due to fly home. SIGH.
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We then watched the live Jedi training show, which was made extremely funny by the Jedi Master, whose interaction with the kids was priceless. Unfortunately they don't take 44 year olds
We'd prebooked lunch in the Sci Fi Drive In restaurant and really enjoyed the experience. Maddie had never seen a milkshake that big before. Nice food and really friendly staff topped this one off for us.
After a bit of a wander, we went to the American Idol Experience. This is a really fun attraction in which auditions are held through the day and several heats result in a daily winner voted for by the audience, whose prize is a guaranteed audition on the next series of American Idol. The singers we saw were all actually very good and we enjoyed the show so much we went back for the finale later in the day. Worth the effort if you have any interest in these shows.
While the girls shopped a bit, I fitted in a ride on Tower Of Terror and the Rock n Roller Coaster. I have to say that I preferred the ToT ride in Paris somewhat although as always the theming is top notch and there's much to love in the details. Rock n Roller Coaster was fast and loud as I remembered it from Paris but still good fun if you like the coasters.
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We finished off the day with Phantasmic. We got seated early and dined on large pretzels and popcorn as we waited. The theatre was packed when the show started but I have to say the presentation is something else. I don't want to spoil specifics but it must be seen to be believed and has to be a must-do at Hollywood Studios.
Tired but happy, we caught the bus back to the French Quarter and all turned in early again as our accumulated weariness caught up with us.
Tomorrow we tackle Animal Kingdom.